Comcast send error with Outlook 2000
Thanks Brian! I now see I should have come to the newsgroups sooner. I
really do appreciate it...
btw...I spent almost an hour I the tech support line with Comcast... with
NO RESOLVE... gotta' luv' it!!!
"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
jrl wrote:
I have tried it both with and without the authentication. I also
tried changing the port to 587 (I think that is what is was as an
alternate)... and no go. I am having the exact same thing on another
computer, my desktop.
587 is what the Help pages at Comcast show for SMTP and they do require
authentication. Interestingly enough, they don't mention this on the
Outlook setup pages, though, only on the Outlook Express setup pages. Did
you choose the "Use same settings as my incoming server" option? I'd also
try setting the SSL options and use ports 995 and 465 for POP and SMTP,
Brian Tillman