I wrote a COM Add-In, which works fine normally, but crashes on some
machines or it has the Resiliency Problem.
Therefore i'm asking if I'm doing everything right.
For example:
Private obCalendarItem As Object
Private moCalendarItem As Object
Private Sub moCalendarItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Set obCalendarItem = Item
Set moCalendarItem = New Redemption.SafeAppointmentItem
moCalendarItem.Item = obCalendarItem
End Sub
At Explorer_Close and On_Disconnection I set these Objects to Nothing
I read, that Redemption can cause problems and can be solved with:
set Utils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")
But I also read, that CreateObject is responsibile to the Resiliency
problem because of script stoppers.
What can i do?