Router question
Thanks N. Miller, After all this good help, I think I've got it - james
"N. Miller" wrote:
When you use a gateway router, email goes only to the computer which
initiated a POP3 mail fetch (assuming you are asking about a POP3 email
It is ok to connect both at the same time; that is the purpose of a
Be sure it is actually a router, not a switch, or your second computer
be able to connect to the Internet (or, if your ISP assigns multiple IP
addresses, you could be billed extra for the second IP address).
If you are trying to keep email synchronized between two computers, MS
Outlook Express can't do that without some trickery, involving leaving
messages on the server. I see that is under discussion...
~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.