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Old May 29th 07, 06:55 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,885
Default Speeding up a move emails macro in Outlook

You could speed up your code itself a little bit - but the slowest of all is
the loop through the Outlook object model. If you use CDO 1.21 or Redemption
( it's a lot faster.

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Quick-Cats - Categorize Outlook data:

Am Fri, 25 May 2007 07:34:01 -0700 schrieb Ralph Pickering:

Hi all,

I have a macro that I use to organise certain email folders such as the

quarantine folder. Basically it looks at the date of an email and moves it
into a set of subfolders named by year then by month (and possibly by day,
depending on which option is selected on the form). But the problem is

it is so slow that I am put off running it, as it ties up my Outlook for
hours, processing each individual item. For comparison, if I select a

of around 3000 emails and drag them into a folder, it takes maybe 3

at most. To do the same 3000 emails with my macro takes an hour or more.

The code is below (and if anyone else finds it useful, feel free to copy
what you like, although I can't 100% guarantee it's all my work - I may

nabbed snippets from various web sites):

Sub StartButton_Click()
On Error Resume Next

Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Set ol = Outlook.Application
Dim olns As Outlook.NameSpace
Set olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim myExp As Explorer
Set myExp = ol.ActiveExplorer
Dim fldr As MAPIFolder
Set fldr = myExp.CurrentFolder
Dim dltd As MAPIFolder
Set dltd = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems)
Dim yStr As String
Dim mStr As String
Dim dStr As String
yStr = ""
mStr = ""
dStr = ""
Dim myItems As Items
Set myItems = fldr.Items
Dim curItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim mrItem As Outlook.MeetingItem
Dim repItem As Outlook.ReportItem
Dim tItem As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim itemTime As Date
Dim yFldr As MAPIFolder
Dim mFldr As MAPIFolder
Dim dFldr As MAPIFolder
itemCount = myItems.count
intUserAbort = 0

If (StatusBar.OptionMnth = True) Then GoTo SortMonthly

' snip - it's pretty much the same as the sortmonthly code


For n = itemCount To 1 Step -1

If intUserAbort = 1 Then
MsgBox "User Aborted"
GoTo ExitSub
End If

If myItems(n).Class = olMail Then ' Only want emails
Set curItem = myItems(n)
ElseIf (53 myItems(n).Class 58) Then ' Meeting requests
Set mrItem = myItems(n)
mrItem.Move dltd
Set mrItem = Nothing
GoTo NextItem2
ElseIf myItems(n).Class = olReport Then ' Outlook Report items
Set repItem = myItems(n)
repItem.Move dltd
Set repItem = Nothing
GoTo NextItem2
ElseIf (47 myItems(n).Class 53) Then ' Outlook task items
Set tItem = myItems(n)
tItem.Move dltd
Set tItem = Nothing
GoTo NextItem2
'MsgBox myItems(n).Class
GoTo NextItem2
End If

StatusBar.stNo = n
StatusBar.stTitle = curItem.Subject
itemTime = curItem.ReceivedTime
ItemYear = Year(itemTime)
ItemMnth = Month(itemTime)
ItemDay = Day(itemTime)

' Check if the current item has the same date as the last one
' and if not then set and if neccesary create the folders.

If ((CStr(ItemYear) = yStr) And (CStr(ItemMnth) = mStr) And (CStr(ItemDay)

dStr)) Then

GoTo MoveItem

Set yFldr = Nothing
Set mFldr = Nothing
Set dFldr = Nothing

yStr = CStr(ItemYear)
mStr = CStr(ItemMnth)
dStr = CStr(ItemDay)

If Len(mStr) = 1 Then mStr = "0" + mStr
If Len(dStr) = 1 Then dStr = "0" + dStr

Set yFldr = fldr.Folders(yStr)
If Not yFldr Is Nothing Then
fldr.Folders.Add (yStr)
Set yFldr = fldr.Folders(yStr)
End If

Set mFldr = yFldr.Folders(mStr)
If Not mFldr Is Nothing Then
yFldr.Folders.Add (mStr)
Set mFldr = yFldr.Folders(mStr)
End If
End If

curItem.Move mFldr
Set curItem = Nothing



StatusBar.CancelButton.Caption = "Close"

End Sub



PS: I'm using Outlook XP if that makes a difference.
