Thread: About AxHost
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Old May 30th 07, 07:57 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
external usenet poster
Posts: 23
Default About AxHost

Outlook 2003.
in some computer I can see my add-in button bmp, and in one of this computer
I can't see my button add-in with no errors, but
nothing happens - I just not see this button.
Do you have any suggestion ?
This works on the majority of desktops less one computetr.

I think The problem is with this method:
When I'm remaring this method, and set button style add-in just cuption with
no icon, I can see add-in button.

public IPictureDisp GetIPictureDispOfPicture(Image image)
return (IPictureDisp)MatarotHost.GetIPictureDispFromPictu re(image);

And why I don't have this option in AxHost ?
I have only MatarotHost.GetIPictureDispFromPicture(image);

I tried all these:

// public static new stdole.IPictureDisp
GetIPictureDispFromPicture(System.Drawing.Image image)
// {
// return (stdole.IPictureDisp)MatarotHost.GetIPictureDispFr omPicture(image);
// }
// public IPictureDisp GetIPictureDispOfPicture(Image image)
// {
// return (IPictureDisp)MatarotHost.GetIPictureDispFromPictu re(image);
// }
// public static stdole.IPictureDisp ImageToIpicture(System.Drawing.Image
// {
// return (stdole.IPictureDisp)MatarotHost.GetIPictureDispFr omPicture(image);
// }

Thank you.

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Does not work as in "an exception is raised"? Or as in "no errors, but
nothing happens"?
Is it running on Outlook 2003 or higher? Outlook 2002 or below do not expose
the CommandBarBurton.Picture property.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Yael" wrote in message
I have a problem, this code don't work in every computer:
I'm using this for display a bitmap in the add-in button:

public class MatarotHost : AxHost
public MatarotHost() : base( "02FD5840-C1A3-448E-8310-98611DF58281"){ }
public static stdole.IPictureDisp IPictureDisp(System.Drawing.Image Image)
return ((stdole.IPictureDisp)(AxHost.GetIPictureDispFromP icture(Image)));

this.toolbarBtn.Style = MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonIconAndCaption;
// set pic to this toolbarBtn
string ns = this.GetType().Namespace;
Assembly CurrentAssembly = this.GetType().Assembly;
System.IO.Stream imgStreamPic =
CurrentAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ns+"." + "matarotqm.bmp");
stdole.IPictureDisp Pic =
MatarotHost.IPictureDisp(Image.FromStream(imgStrea mPic));
this.toolbarBtnWeb.Picture = Pic;

Why it's not working on every computer???
