"Your IMAP server closed the connection."
I am using Outlook 2007 on Windows XP SP2 Home and I am getting the
following pop up message fairly frequently. It is annoying because when I
get the message it comes to the foreground and interrupts whatever work I am
"Your IMAP server closed the connection. This can occur if you leave the
connection idle for too long."
I don't have any other e-mail programs open. I know you can receive this
message when other e-mail programs are open. I talked to my ISP and they
said there is nothing they can do but that they have the same problem when
using Outlook 2007. I never received this message with 2003 unless I had
another e-mail program open. The only thing that is better with 2007 is
that the same message does not pile up like it did with 2003 where you could
get dozens of the same message and would have to close them all.
I have also changed "server timeouts" to 10 minutes and this does not help.
I wish Outlook would have an option to allow this message to be turned off.
Thanks for any suggestions. Kent