do you mean, beside the possibilty that the user is confused and deletes
that message? No, I can't think of any other danger
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Quick-Cats - Categorize Outlook data:
Am Thu, 31 May 2007 09:05:42 -0500 schrieb Bill:
"Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]" wrote in message
.. .
Bill, please download OutlookSpy from With that tool you
can easily change the ReceivedTime property:
Select the message in the folder and click IMessage, select
PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME and click 'Edit Property'.
Thank you. I have modified the property on an item successfully, setting
to a time earlier this morning.
Are there any dangers if I set it to a time in the future? If I use this
approach to keep it at the top of the message list, I would want it to
always stay at the top.
Thanks again,