Importing Netscape 7.1 email messages into Outlook Express 6
I am helping a friend switch from Netscape 7.1 browser/mail to Internet
Explorer and Outlook Express. We were able to set up her new mailbox with no
problems and are receiving new messages. We were not able to import her old
mail messages into OE, however. She's running Windows XP SP2 and has Office
2003 installed.
We located the directory that holds all of her mail folders and are able to
open it and read individual email messages using MS Word. But, when we do
File, Import, and specify either Netscape Communicator or Netscape Mail (v2
or V3) we get the same error message:
No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running
that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try
closing applications that have files open.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to move forward?