Exception thrown on MailItem.Send
I am getting an exception thrown with our c# outlook addon installed on one
machine running Office 2003. The exception is thrown when I try to call Send
on a mail item that I have programatically created. The code looks like this:
Note: This code uses late binding.
// -- in the Item_Send event --
MSOutlook.MailItem mi; // assume initialized from the Item_Send argument
// create the new mail item that will be programatically sent
object otmp = mi.Application.CreateItem(MSOutlook.OlItemType.olM ailItem);
MSOutlook.MailItem m = (MSOutlook.MailItem)MO.COMWrapper.Wrap(
m.BodyFormat = MSOutlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
m.To = mi.To;
m.Subject = "Some subject";
m.Body = "Test Body";
m.Send(); // throws exception on one client computer
The actual exception thrown is
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
I have tried everything I can to duplicate the exception in our test
environment to no avail. Any ideas why something as simple as this would
throw an exception?
Thank you,
Ben Strum
ThinkTron Corporation