"operation failed" error
My hard drive recently crashed.
I restored a full backup to a new computer and all appears to be working
Word launches...I can create and save word documents
Excel almost launches...I get a "One of your object libraries (stdole32.tlb)
is missing or damaged. Please run Setup to install it."
I can create and save a new MSAccess database
I have Outlook 2002 on my new computer. When I launch Outlook, all appears
to be well. My email and various folders are all there. When I try to
send/receive, I get the "Operation Failed" error.
- I can delete messages
- I can create new mail folders and move emails into them
- I can create new contacts, but not save them -- "Not Implemented"
- I cannot create new appointments -- "Not Implemented"
- I can create new Notes (they are still there after close/open of outlook)
- If I click on "Data File Management", I get "Not Implemented"
Any help in getting email back is greatly appreciated.