Double Hotmail email mystery
I have noted that when initially retrieving emails, two of every email will
be listed and within 10 seconds or so, one of the duplicates disappears. I
thought that maybe through some kind of glitch that the emails may just LOOK
like their duplicates. But if I transfer them right away to a local folder,
they both are there in full and neither disappears from there.
Interestingly, when files are moved to a local file folder, apparently
they're copied and the original is put into the deleted items file. As
above, when I move the double files to the local folder, the two originals
get sent to the OE deleted items folder where one of the two copies
disappears. Is this just something goofy with OE6 or do I have some kind of
spyware double-downloading my emails and sending out the duplicate? I don't
recall this hapening when I first started using it, but first noticed it
about a month later.