Just Switched To High Speed DSL from Dial-up. Need Advice
This might help with the Dial-up problem:
Tools | Options | General. If My computer is not connected at this time - Do
not connect.
In IE: Tools | Internet Options | Connections. Check: Never dial a
Check your settings in these areas also, and make sure there is no
indication of using Dial-up.
Tools | Options | Connection.
Tools | Accounts | Mail & News | Properties | Connection.
Control Panel | Network Connections.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
wrote in message
I hope someone can help me here. My computer is a Dell Optiplex, 733
Mhz, Pentium 3, 1 gig ram. Two days ago, I got connected with DSL
high speed internet. My problem is that I am trying to get Outlook
Express to open without bringing up my old dial up connection dialog
box. No matter what I do, I cannot get it to recognize the DSL
connection. I know I must be doing something wrong, just can't quite
figure it out. Would appreciate any input. Thanks!
additional sys info: Running Windows XP w/ SP2.