Why do my shared calendars disappear in Outlook?
LMatth wrote:
I run Outlook 2007 on an Exchange 2003 network with both Outlook 2007 and
2003 clients. I need to enter appointments into my own calendar and certain
other department calendars on the network. When I set up the appointment I
invite the other calendars via "Invite Attendees". The appointment appears in
my calendar, and one of the others, but not in another. Any suggestions on
what I need to do to fix this?
If you receive any sort of answer could you forward it on to me? We're
having the same exact problem. Our school district just made a big
upgrade and this is a chronic issue. The computers that didn't undergo
this upgrade seem to be fine. If you can, look in "favorites" in the
"Public Folders" and I bet your shared calendars are there. Weird problem.