Cancelling and closing a mailitem in itemsend event
I never had problems with that properties in ItemSend. However, I'd store
the item's EntryID and StoreID, cancel the sending process, and start a
timer with a delay of maybe 40ms; in that timer event make the modifications
and send the message again.
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize Outlook email:
Am Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:50:00 -0700 schrieb bstrum:
I have seen posts and have also experienced first hand that there can be
complications to making modifications to a mailitems subject, body and
attachments during an itemsend event. Is the proper method to make a copy
the mailitem in itemsend, make mods to the copy and then send the copy?
if so, how do you close and delete the original message? I am able to
it with no problem but the inspector windows stays open.
Thank you,
Benjamin Strum
ThinkTron Corporation