How to find a mailitem
Please return to the help: There's a list on that page with invalid
properties. ConversationIndex is not allowed.
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize Outlook email:
Am Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:03:00 -0700 schrieb bstrum:
I found the help page with shows "ConversationIndex" as a valid filter.
I use it though, I get the exception "The property "ConversationIndex" in
condition is not valid." Any ideas why?
My code looks like this:
string idx = ".....";
IOUT.Application app = (IOUT.Application)oApp;
IOUT.MAPIFolder f =
app.Session.GetDefaultFolder(IOUT.OlDefaultFolders .olFolderInbox);
string filter = string.Format("[ConversationIndex] =
object o = f.Items.Restrict(filter);
"Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
The VBA help provides you with a sample. The easiest way is to select the
Find function in the object browser (f2) and then click f1.
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize Outlook email:
Am Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:41:56 -0700 schrieb bstrum:
Given a conversationindex and conversationtopic, how do I find a
have looked at Session.GetDefaultFolder(...).Items.Find but I do not see
examples of how to construct the search string with these parameters.
Thank you,
Benjamin Strum
ThinkTron Corporation