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Old June 21st 07, 11:18 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 20
Default Outlook Express 6 Error Message

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

When I try to send a very simple, short E-mail with Outlook Express 6,
Windows XP, on Comcast High Speed Cable Internet,

I always get an Outlook Express dialogue box -- that states:
Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks.
Please review the list of errors below for more details.
-- the message area is always empty --
0 of 1 tasks have completed successfully.
My E-mail is sent to my Outbox.

I was only running my Outlook Express 6, no other programs were running.
I restarted my computer serveral times.
I deleted a lot of E-mails.
I compacted my folder two times.
I ran McAfee Virus Scan -- no infected files found.
I restarted my computer several more times.

My settings for incoming mail are correct: MAIL.COMCAST.NET
My settings for ougoing mail are corrent: SMTP.COMCAST.NET

The Problem continues to persist.
Please help.
Thank You in advance for your help,