Hi Nick,
your Outlook version is?
have a look on this sites:
Outlook 2003:
You may receive a "Could not load backappl.exe Backup Failed!" error message
when you run the Personal Folders Backup tool in Outlook 2003
Outlook 2002:
OL2002: Error Message: Could Not Load Backappl.exe Backup Failed
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"Nick" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
When I try to backup my outlook, I get an error- "could not load
backappl.exe- Back Up Failed!
I tried to re-install, but it tells me that I have to uninstall previous
version. I can not find it in the add/remove program list. What can I do?