AdvancedSearch filter with a particular date
I am having a problem that if my filter is set to a particular date, my
AdvancedSearch will not return any result.
But if it's set to a range, it is working fine. Is that the normal behavior?
Here is my code.
strScope = "Inbox";
strFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived = '27.06.2007'";
strTag = "Search";
searchResult = OutlookApplication.AdvancedSearch(strScope, strFilter,
'False', strTag);
If the filter is set to
strFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived = '26.06.2007' And
urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived = '27.06.2007'"
I get the mails of both 26th and 27th of June.
Any idea?