Thread: Temp Files
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Old January 15th 05, 03:21 PM posted to
marco kleine-wilke
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default Temp Files

"Steve Cochran" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Actually you can. When the messages with images are opened, then they all
get put into the Temporary Internet Files folder and OE references them
from there. Their filenames do not represent the attachment filenames
however, so you would have a hard time finding them. Also they are
deleted when OE is closed.


"AK" wrote in message
Ok Thanks

Too bad. Sometimes I can recover email attachments in Outlook by using
the temp folders and a graphics thumbnailing program like ThumbsPlus.
Just was wondering about if such could be done for the OutlookExpress.
Apparently not.


"Michael Santovec" wrote in message
All attachments are embedded and encoded in the original message. Each
newsgroup has a corresponding DBX file holding all the messages for that

DBX files are not in a format that is easily accessible outside of OE.


Mike -

"AK" wrote in message
Where are the newsreader graphics temp files stored? I know where they
are in MS Outlook but cant find them in the Outlook Express. When I
read a NG message with binary attachments they take a while to load but
then when I go back to that message they load very fast, indicating
that they binarp graphic files are being stored somewhere on my
computer. I am assuming that they stay on the system in a temp file but
maybe not, and maybe they are dumped after exiting. (I know that MS
Outlook does not do a dump unless it is done manually)

I found that the NG subscriptions are inthe identites folder under
local settings, Would have thought hat there would have been a temp
folder undr that but not so.

Any help would be appreciated.

