Hi ,
have a look on this site :
"Navigate in the Calendar" (Change the number of days displayed)
"Customize the Week view"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"P Lawrence" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I don't see where you select week as the default view under "view", though
this is a choice and I can choose it to re-set the view. Currently my
default view it the day's schedule. I would like my default view to
be the week. Any suggestions?
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote:
Hi P Lawrence,
in Outlook under "Tools/Options/Calendar options", activate the flags for
"Suterday and Sunday" as days for a "working week".
Under "Views" you must select the "Week" as default view, or you click on
"Calendar" and you select the "7 days view"
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronize your Outlook: Public SyncTool
http://www.publicshareware.com .
"P Lawrence" P schrieb im
How can you make the default view of your Outlook 2003 Calendar the 7