How To Change The Destination CD Drive to DVD Drive?
How to Change the Destination CD Drive to the DVD Drive?
I am using Outlook Express 6 E-mail, Windows XP Home Edition, and Microsoft
Office Pro 2003.
I was attempting to copy and save a "batch of E-mails with attached
pictures" to a CD, but the selected files are 400 MB over the capacity of the
Since I have selected the E-mail files to copy, to save, and to write to my
-- I only want to save these selected E-mails to my CD --
an electrical, thunderstorm caused our lights to blink off for just a few
but now many of my "selected E-mails" are missing from my E-mail folder.
So, I cannot go back and re-select those missing E-mails to copy, save, and
write to a different destination -- my DVD Drive.
Please instruct me . . .
1. "How To" compact those selected "batch of E-mails" with attached
Is there a way to "open" these "ready to write" E-mails to delete some
of them
until I have reduced the data volume to fit within the capacity of the CD?
If this is possible, please instruct me how to do this, step by step . . .
2. "How To" copy a segment of my selected and ready to write "batch of
to one CD, and then to switch CD's, and finish writing to a 2nd CD? Or,
3. "How To" change my destination drive from the CD Drive to the DVD Drive
-- after the "batch of E-mails" have been selected and ready to write to
a CD?
Remember, many of those selected E-mails are now missing from my E-mail folder
due to the electrical, thunderstorm, that interrupted our electricity for a
few seconds, my computer restarted, and many of those E-mails are missing,
and cannot be re-selected to write to my DVD Drive.
Please Help Me write these selected E-mails to the DVD.
I do not want to loose these E-mails with attached pictures.
Thank You,