It seems that Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 can't find the settings
automatically for your mail server. The only option that you can do is to
manually configure the server settings (POP3 & SMTP) for your e-mail.
Chester C. Coronel
Junior BSIT Student
University of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines
Read the StudentEmpowered Blog!
" wrote:
On my home computer running under WIN XP, I am currently using Outlook
Express with multiple e-mail accounts (POP3) at the same ISP. I am
trying to set up new accounts on WIN Outlook 2007 on my Vista home
computer. When I use the Outlook account setup wizard, it seems not to
be able to find my e-mail account/ISP. I have very carefully entered
the e-mail address and password in the wizard. Am I missing something
or is manually setting up the accounts the only other option?