Help with sending and viewing HTML page
Hi Michael,
FWIW, the code worked for me, although it seems only a rough beginning.
If you haven't already, choose the view source option from a Rich Text
(HTML) message toolbar. This will allow viewing the source code and as
well as a preview of the message without actually sending it. I don't
know why the received message is switching to plain text. Is OE set to
receive messages in plain text, or is some 3rd-party filtering in place?
How are you applying the HTML to the message?
From the Insert menu choose Text from File
Choose All Files and select your *.HTML file
Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
MS-MVP - Outlook Express
Lynnwood, WA
"michaeljnc" wrote in message
Ron Sommer wrote:
What program are you using to generate the code?
Post some of the code that is causing a problem.
I'm using PSPad. You're probably familiar with it - a free HTML/Text
!-- ================================ BODY
================================ --
body style="margin:.3em .3em; background: #ffe6cc; font: 12pt Verdana,
Arial, sans-serif;"
p style="margin:0 0; background-color:#66aaaa; padding:5px 0 1px 0;
border:none; font:normal bold 1em/.9em 'Courier New';"
Message from Michael br /
span style="font: small-caps .65em Arial;"HTML FORMAT/span
p style="width:60%; margin-left:20%; text-align:left"
message text here
!-- the outer table is used to Center the inner table --
!-- ..the only guaranteed method, since div styles may be
table width="100%" border="0"trtd align="center"
table style="font:.9em sans-serif; width:480px; margin-bottom:0;"
rules="all" border="1" bgcolor="#ccb399" cellspacing="0"
!-- caption align="bottom"table caption/caption --
col /
col width="65px" /
trtd style="font: 1.2em bold sans-serif;" colspan="2"
align="center" bgcolor="#9999ff"T I T L E/td/tr
td align="left"text/td
td align="right"$$$.$$/td
td align="left"text/td
td align="right"xx.xx/td
td align="left"text/td
td align="right"xx.xx/td
td align="left"text/td
td align="right"xx.xx/td
p style="width:60%; margin-left:20%; text-align:left"
stay well.