Thats why I came looking here as I am hoping that someone will help me
to get this to work.
It can be quite difficult to work out exactly how your rules will work.
This is where the action "Move a copy to the selected folder" comes to
your rescue. If you have a rule to "do something clever" and you want to
know if it processed or not, then include "Move a copy to the selected
folder", and create/select a folder called "do something clever".
If you find a copy of any particular mail item in this folder then you
know the corresponding rule "did its thing".
Once you have everything working to your satisfaction you can remove the
additional "Move a copy to the selected folder" steps (and also the
folder, and its contents).
There's probably some developer somewhere thinking "What an oaf! Why
doesn't Swifty use the rules trace facility?", but us mortals have to
get by on what we can find. This paragraph is "developer bait", by the way.
Steve Swift