Strange lad wrote:
Are both machines English-language versions of WinXP SP2?
Is she trying to import directly from the zip disk?
Non, both are French WIN XP Home. I transferred the files from the zip
disk to the HDD and included the Folders.dbx file. So far, nuffink.
Please include all of previous message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup.
Before importing from the HDD into OE, did you remove the Read Only
attribute the DBX files probably have?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
Strange lad wrote:
A friend of mine lives in France and London and travels between the two
places regularly. To make sure her emails etc are backed up, she saved
her important files in France as .dbx files on a zip disk. However, when
she tried to import them onto her laptop here, (using XP Home SP2 and
OE6) the system seems to have done what it was supposed to but the files
do not show up anywhere in OE.
I have followed the instructions given elsewhere in this group as at, made sure the folders file
was included in the files to be imported and still nothing. I tried
importing the (French) address book, saved as a .wab file, and that worked
No matter which way I try to import these files, they appear to be
accepted but do not show up. I have closed OE and restarted it and even
re-booted the computer, but it made no difference.
I do not think the language difference is a factor though I am prepared to
be corrected on this. Any light that can be shed on this would be a great