Unread mail query
Don't know exactly, but I've got some suggestions to
.. If not already done, I would suggest that you set the
view for unread messages only. (viewcurrent view
hide read messages.
.. Additionally, depending on your service level, and how
your NG subscriptions are organized/grouped, the
message counts can be reduced based on repetitive
posts in alternate groups. At least this is what occurs
on my system. As example, say you subscribe to
alt.toys.us and also alt.toys.world
If I, as a toy group poster, compose a post and send
it to both groups via x-posting. On your subscription
pane, you'll see 1 message for each group. However,
upon selecting either group for reading, the redundant
message(x-posted) may be detected, and the other
similar group's message count will be reduced to 0.
Usually, this count decrement occurs when you actually
select the group. I guess this is supposed to eliminate
x-posting messages that I always see folks bitching
As I said, that's what happens on this system, that I've
personally witnessed but....
.. This system is fully updated.
.. I load all NG messages via a news server synchronize
rather than individual group selection.
.. I only retrieve message headers, initially.
I'm not one of the guru's present on this group, and I have
no technical article reference for information. Just an obs-
ervation from a user perspective. The reason I say that it
depends on your service level, is that I saw this change
activate a long time ago, during some early OE6 updates.
"Bill Ridgeway" wrote in message
Just one of the various NewsGroups I monitor regularly reports a number of
unread messages which, when I click on the NG to see what's there, is
reduced by the order of 10. This isn't a lot when the reported number of,
say, 20 is reduced to 2 but is a lot when the reported number of 300 is
reduced to just 30.
Does anyone know how this discrepancy arises and why it occurs on only one
NG please?
Bill Ridgeway