How to link contacts/objects in Outlook 2007 as I can in Outlook 2003
Hi Russ,
Thanks for asking for clarification. Read opened for imported - my mistake.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message
You never import Outlook data unless you want to break things like links
and Activities. You open and reuse an Outlook data file if you want to
preserve your data.
Russ Valentine
"Nigel Freeney" wrote in message
I have just imported my Outlook pst to Outlook 2007 and discovered that I
can't see the links that I had set up between contacts. There doesn't
appear to be the equivalent of the Actions | Link commands in the Outlook
2003 menu in the Outlook 2007 Ribbon.
Is this still possible? If not why not? I can see that BCM has updated
features but just because my contacts are not business contacts doesn't
mean I don't need to link them together.
Is linking of contacts and items straightforward in BCM?