You need to set your data as an array of binary bytes. Then when you write
the data you need to do something like this:
CdoNewFolder.Fields.Add &H36DF0102, vbByte, dataArray
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
wrote in message
I'm having a problem getting the last piece of a project together. I
need to be able to write a home page value and associated info (enable
it, etc.) via CDO. Unfortunately the Outlook Object Model won't work
for this case. Note I am working in vbscript here.
Anyhow, I've referenced a posting from Sue Mosher from a year or so
ago in this group (
lnk=st&q=PR_FOLDER_WEBVIEWINFO&rnum=6&hl=en#2270fa c9f34589fb), which
provides some great info. However, I haven't been able to translate
that into working code.
I've tried writing each value to the property individually as well as
tried writing the data to the property as a single hex vbblob. Neither
has worked. Writing as a single vbblob gave no feedback at all, while
writing the values individually returned an "INVALIDARG" error.
Any input would be greatly appreciated as I've run out of ideas and I
can't find very much information on this process at all.
Here is a small section of the code I've been working with (picking up
after the session is established):
Set CdoInbox = CdoSession.Inbox
Set CdoInfostore = CdoSession.GetInfostore(CdoInbox.StoreID)
Set CdoRootFolder = CdoInfostore.RootFolder
'On Error Resume Next
Set CdoNewFolder = CdoRootFolder.Folders("VB2Test")
'If CdoNewFolder is Nothing Then
' Set CdoNewFolder = CdoRootFolder.Folders.Add("VB2Test")
'End If
Set CdoFields = CdoNewFolder.Fields
"0x36DF0102",vbBlob,"02000000010000000100000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 02C00000068007400740070003A002F002F006100720063006 8006900760065006D0061006E0061006700650072000000"
'CdoNewFolder.Fields.Add "0x36DF0102",vbBlob,"dwType","1"
'CdoNewFolder.Fields.Add "&H36DF0102",vbBlob,"dwFlags","0x00000001"