Additional Info 7/07/2007 from Angus:
In Control Panel "Mail" Test Account settings
Tasks Status
Find Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Completed
Find Incoming Mail Server (Pop3) Completed
Log onto Incoming Mail server (Pop3) Failed
Send Test e-mail message Failed
"Angus" wrote:
Using Windows XP Pro
MS Office Outlook 2003
Windows Internet Explorer 7
Outlook had been working fine for a couple of months. I then started
receiving many error messages that were one or both of the following:
"Receiving reported error (0x80042108) Outlook is unable to connect to your
outgoing (SMTP) E-mail server"
"Sending reported error (0x80042109) Outlook is unabel to connect to your
incoming (Pop3) E-mail server"
Over hours the Incoming E-mail eventually shows up in my "InBox" after
receiving the above error messages; but the messages in my Outbox never
leave. The system continually tries to send the messages from the "Outbox"
which I can monitor looking at the lower right screen information bar; but
never succeeds.
I have double checked all my settings several times following the step by
step instructions in:
I followed the above instructions when I first got my "Outlook" working
properly a couple of months ago.
I have not added any new software to my hard drive. I have Windows Live-One
care installed. It did notify me about 10 days ago that it located a "Trojan
Horse" virus on my hard drive which I imeediately authorized to remove; which
it did.
The last E-mail I have been able to send through "Outlook" was on June 29th.
I have been by-passing the "Outlook" Send function by going to my MSN page
and logging directly on to use my MSN E-mail account Send function. The
"Outlook" InBox funtion seems to be working somewhat; but it is far from
immediate. I do think I am receiving all my E-mails, eventually through
What can you recommend to try to fix this problem: