You were clear. So was I. The answer is still no.
Russ Valentine
"MikeA" wrote in message
Thank you for the discussion.
But may be I was not clear enough with my question:
I do NOT want to access Outlook address from the OE.
I want to use Outlook address book in the Microsoft Word to address
envelopes WITHOUT making Outlook my email program.
I want to continue to use OE Address Book (.wab) for the email addresses.
"David H. Lipman" wrote in message
From: "Brian Tillman"
| MikeA wrote:
I use Outlook Express for emails and it has it's own Address Book.
To address envelopes in Word I can retrieve an address only from
When I try to set up addresses in Outlook the only option I get is to
make Outlook my default program for BOTH emails and addresses.
Is it possible to have my postal addresses in Outlook ( to be
retrieved by Word) but still use Outlook Express as my default email
| Perhaps. It depends on your version of Outlook. Some versions of
| allowed Outlook Express to use Outlook's Contacts folder for the
| store.
No, I don't think so.
You could export the PAB to a WAB but OE can NOT access the Contacts List
which is kept on
the Exchange server.