I know, you were talking about his problem but there was stil some stuff I
could use in it, some of the links, the software. And the way you wrote:
"- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.
that right there, but
- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.
- Disable Background Compacting [N/A in SP2] and frequently perform a
manual compact of all OE folders while "working offline".
That was posted by you before you said something almost like it when you got
back to my problem so it made sense when I read it, so...the tattoo remark.
I want you to know it hurt like hell to do that tonight. Where do you think
I've been for that last several hours.
I think I better shut up now.
Thanks for the help. You guys are great.
"PA Bear" wrote in message
NB: I was replying to Wiley's problem, NOT yours.
~PA Bear
rock9995 wrote:
Bear, that's a lot to get tattooed on my chest, especially backwards, but
I'll try. Seems like that's the only way my feeble mind can remember
stuff these days.
Instead, I'll copy and paste in a text and print it out and store it my
"computer help" hard-copy files.
this is a big help in the sense that, at least, I won't make the mistake
again and THAT'S something.
"PA Bear" wrote in message
Why it happens:
Recovering data: http://www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#4
DBXtend (additional functionality)
DBXpress (faster, more powerful, with even greater functionality)
OEX (OE Enhancement Program)
Avoid Such Corruption in Futu
- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to
folders created for this purpose.
- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.
- Disable Background Compacting [N/A in SP2] and frequently perform a
manual compact of all OE folders while "working offline". More at
- WinXP SP2 only: Do not shut down your machine while Windows is
automatically compacting your message store.
- Your anti-virus application's email scanning feature can also cause
such corruption. Disable it. It provides no additional protection.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), Aumha.org VSOP, DTS-L.org
Wiley C wrote:
Windows XP Home SP2
OE 6 SP2
After compacting the folders in OE, the messages in "sent items" and
folders are not visible. How do I obtain access to them?
Thanks for your attention to my problem.