.pst folder help - thanks!
Now I seem to understand - so if I want to makebackups in My Docume4nts, I
have to move the entire folder to there - correct??
"F. H. Muffman" wrote in message
The only way to open a PST file is from *within* Outlook. File - Open -
Outlook Data File.
As for where your PST files are, that might be where they are. Do you
have the PST you want to move open in Outlook already?
"Terri" wrote in message
I see a Backup file (Office Data File) and when I go to it, it says "You
are attemping to open a file of type (Office Data File (.pst). These files
are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or
modifying them could damage your system. If you still want toopen the
file, click Open With, otherwise click cancel.
So - are my pst files in there? I cannot see them - should I put the
entire backup in My Documents:? If I cannot open them, then what is the
point because I cannot locate any contacts I have lost!
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
wrote in message
WHile the location is known, you need to enable viewing hidden
files/folders to actually see the .pst file.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Terri asked:
| How do I put a .pst folder in My Documents for constant up to date
| copying? Mine seems to be in a folder called Office Data File which I
| cannot open but do not see any pst file...can someone kindly help me
| out here?
| Thanks!