Why can I Rx mail from my ISP in outlook express but not outlo
Ok, Tried again got 3 error messages.
No 1
"Send test e-mail message: The specified serverwas found, but there was no
responsefrom the server. Please verify that the port and SSL information is
correct. To access these settings close this dialog, then click More Settings
and click the Advanced."
No 2
Find incoming mail server(POP3): Unable to connect to the incoming mail
server(POP3). Please verify the server name in the incoming mail server
field. If that information is correct, close this dialog, click more settings
and verify the port and SSL information in the Advanced tab.
No 3
Find outgoing mail server(SMTP): Unable to connect to the outgoing mail
server(SMTP). Please verify the server name in the incoming mail server
field. If that information is correct, close this dialog, click more settings
and verify the port and SSL information in the Advanced tab.
My ISP has confirmed 3 times that I have the correct port and SSL
information for POP3 and SMTP in those boxes
I still am able to receive e-mail through outlook express with those settings.
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Suggest you post the exact error messages.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, AVO3VOM asked:
| I am trying to set up Outlook 2002 and keep getting POP3 errors
| My ISP said it is a Outlook issue as I am receiving e-mails to Outlook
| Express(OE).
| When I deleted my details out of OE it made no difference to Outlook.
| I have also removed and fully reinstalled Office XP pro and this has
| not changed anything.
| Anyone have any suggestions???