SO what should I do - go back to the old version?
C RYall
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Upgrading to fix a problem like this never works. It does, however, make the
problem irreproducible for anyone else and essentially unsolvable.
Russ Valentine
"CRyall" wrote in message
I have just upgraded to Outlook 2007 - hoping that would solve this issue
among others but it didn't. I had the same problem in Outlook 2003 before
upgraded. I had used categories for contacts and color coded my
using auto format.
In the new program when I go to categroize a contact I click on the little
color box hit all and I get 200 various combinations of my categories.
C RYall
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Unclear post. To what view are you referring? In what version of Outlook?
Russ Valentine
"CRyall" wrote in message
I have set up multiple categories for my contacts. Clients, Friends,
etc. Some individuals fall into several categories, which s to be
but now when I look at my list of categories, it is showing every
combination used as a separate category in the lsit.
Friend, family
Friend, customer
family, caustomer, etc.etc.
I must have several hundred combinations listed which is a pain to look
through when you want to assign a category to a new contact.
How do i get it to just show each individual category without all of
C RYall