Outlook 2007 Mail Send issue
We have an Outlook add-in which incorporates a batch send feature. This
feature is designed to send multiple news letters to clients. Since this
would be very slow if we used the Outlook Send feature we incorporated a
third party SMTP ActiveX control which would send the emails out in a
multithreaded environment. This add-in has been in production for almost a
year. Long story short the add-in was due for an update for Outlook 2007 and
as luck would have it the add-in in fact is broken for Outlook 2007.
To the problem …
We are using the _MailItem object to copy, duplicate and store these
messages in a separate folder for a record of the email. The actual send is
accomplished by the third party SMTP ActiveX control - nothing to do with the
MailItem send method. The problem is that the message is processed but never
makes it outside of the PC. We actually see our Symantec Antivirus software
processing the message with that little Outbound envelope that pops up. As I
thought and probably you – I disabled the Antivirus software yesterday and
voila the message was sent successfully. So first thing this morning I got
the folks at Symantec on the phone and told them they had an issue with their
software with Outlook 2007 installed. But much to my chagrin this morning the
symptom changed and I could no longer send a message with the antivirus
software disabled.
So now it appears that Outlook 2007 has some added protection that is
interfering with our email processing. Does anybody have a clue what is going
on? I have contacted the designer of the third party software and Symantec.
They both seem to think that Outlook 2007 is doing some thing to the port to
screw things up. Any help or thoughts would greatly be appreciated.
Tom -