Outlook 2002 Automation Problem and Contacts
I don't like crossposting but I'm getting zero responses in another group.
I'm not sure if I am posting to the right forum but I am having a problem
with accessing Contacts with Outlook Automation. The program works perfect
in Outlook 2003 but gives an error on another computer with Outlook 2002.
When I try and access the .Body I get an OLE Dispatch Error Code 4096 From
Microsoft Outlook Out Of Memory. I'm not sure if the problem is with
Outlook, the computer or perhaps I could change my programming code and how
I access the body in Outlook Contacts.
The code that gives the error is in VFPso here's a snapshot if it helps. I
don't think it is a coding problem but I'm
thinking perhaps there might be another way to access the body which might
not give this error.
loOutlook = createobject('outlook.application')
loNS = loOutlook.GetNameSpace('MAPI')
loDF = loNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
loItems = loDF.items
loItem = loItems.item(1)
? loItem.Body