i am trying to insert a signiture into an email that i am
generating with the Docmd.sendobject.
You would need to create and display the message with Outlook methods and insert your content into the MailItem.Body or .HTMLBody property.
Or, reverse the process: Create and display a plain text message using Outlook objects and get the signature from that item's Body property and concatenate it with the text you're using for the message body.
Or, if the user has only one signature, read it from the matching .txt file in the user's Signatures folder on the local drive.
I agree with your thinking -- that if all you're using SendObject for is to create a message with an attachment, using Outlook objects would be better.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"SAm" wrote in message ...
Please help me i am new to this and i would like to automate using outlook.
(i have never automated with outlook. i know that its kind of different than
the other MS apps). I am automating from Microsoft Access. I am using the
DoCmd.SendObject to create an email. I am not asking for instruction on the
entire automation process (althought that would be nice) i am troubled with
the signature part. i am trying to insert a signiture into an email that i am
generating with the Docmd.sendobject. i am not sure how I should refer to the
instance that is already there. in this case i am not looking to start a new
instance. please help, i am walking in the dark.
btw, i assumed (and i told my users) that i can't attach anything to the
email generated with the docmd.sendobject. i am now thinking that since my
main objective is to attach a file maybe i should not use docmd.sendobject
altogether. instead i should automated the whole thing.
to clarify, i am not using a report or other object from access. i will
paste here the code i am using:
DoCmd.SendObject , , , Me.txtEmailAddress, ", ,
Me.txtFacility.Column(0) & " Systems Audit " & Date, Me.txtEmailBodyText, True