Unknown error
Thanks for your help.
Windows version?
Vista Ultimate
If you disable the Preview pane (View Current layout), can you delete the
No, I can not
Do you have tens of thousands of messages in your Inbox?
I have about 200 e-mails in the main folder and 3000 in subfolders
Have you ever compacted all OE folders?
I tried to do it today but it stopped in 80% and nothing appeared in folder
c:\Users\Peter\AppData\Loca\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Compact
Is Outlook 2007 installed on the machine or another machine?
Outlook is on the same computer.
I have another problem with OE - when I create a new message I can not open
the contact list (but Tools-Windows contats works fine).
So mayby MSMessageStore is corrupted and I have to reinstall OE?