Dear Bruce,
Hopefully you can help me also.
I use the Block Sender List a lot. However, recently I miss-listed a few
senders I don't want blocked. Fine, I go to remove them from the list, and
since the list is enormous due to so much spam, I can't easily find the
addresses I am looking for.
So I try to hit the tab above the sender addresses, like in the inbox, to
have it alphabetize the list to help me find what I am looking for, but
zilch. No effect. Now I have been slowly trying to find these addresses in
the list and haven't found them, surely cause I have missed them. How can I
streamline this process as it has become tedious. I have also had to go to
the deleted emails box to "rescue" these important emails that were put there
due to their Blocked setting. I even tried the rules section to thwart the
error but still of no effect. It's a good but long working function, but
also a bit limited. How do I do this.
Thanks in advance.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote:
You're welcome.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"bmez" wrote in message
Thanks Bruce, tried it and it worked. You have made my Friday.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote:
The registry key has become corrupt.
1.. In Regedit, navigate to this key:
|-----------------Outlook Express
where GUID is the Global Unique IDentifier for your Identity.
2.. Under that key, you will find the following sub-keys, among
|-----------------------Block Senders
Select the Block Senders Key and delete it. Blocked Senders will be
but you can rebuild it now.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"bmez" wrote in message
Every time I block a sender, close out my email and go back in the
senders list is cleared. There must be a setting that I am missing.