Hour addition
"Al" wrote in message
We have a program that trends our current plant steam usage and uses VBA
for applications. I'd like to use the do...loop and loop it until I reach
a time 8 hours away.
How do I add 8 hours to the currect time?
You don't need to loop to add eight hours to the current time, but you may
need it if you want to do something for each of the eight hours, so here are
examples with and without looping. See 'DateAdd Function' in the help files
for more information.
Public Sub EightHoursFromNow()
Dim dtmNow As Date
dtmNow = Now()
Dim intLoop As Integer
Debug.Print "No looping required: " & DateAdd("h", 8, dtmNow)
Debug.Print "------------------------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Starting loop"
For intLoop = 0 To 8
Debug.Print intLoop, DateAdd("h", intLoop, dtmNow)
Next intLoop
End Sub
Brendan Reynolds