Easy way to empty WAB in O/Express
To make sure they are all gone, open the Address Book | Help | About....
will show you the location of the AB file.
In WindowsXP, 2K & 3K, the OE user files (DBX and WAB) are by default marked
as hidden. To view these files in Explorer, you must enable Show Hidden
Files and Folders under Start | Control Panel | Folder Options | View.
Go there and delete the WAB folders.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
wrote in message
Thanks Bruce; I only have 1 identity on this PC; is there not another
duplicate set of address entries somewhere else too o will deleting
from within address book sort that one too?
Bruce Hagen wrote:
Click on one | Ctrl+A | Delete.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
wrote in message
What is recommended way to delete all entries in OE's address book
If I deleted wab.exe would that do it, and would it reappear/be
recreated on next boot up.?