Partial Serial number
You will need 'proof of purchase' in order for MS to supply replacement
software - registration doesnt do it I'm afraid
"MikeCox" wrote in message
No, because I have not been able to recover the data off the crashed
not at this point anyway...I'm working on that.
The problem is complicated by the fact the the CD Library program has not
been working and I was in the process of dealing with the problem on their
support site. I can't directly access the data in the CD Library data
and, up until recently it was thought to be a hardware problem; the
even sent me a new mother board for the hardware, which didn't solve the
problem. It complicated because the hardware is made by a different
than the software.
It seems to me that I should be able to obtain the rest of the number
through MS; I'm pretty sure I registered the newer version, so my e-mail
address, phone numbers etc. should be proof enough that I am, in fact, the
owner of the program and that I am using the original CD, which I
and registered.
The problem is, I don't know where to go to make my request; MS has so
MS Office 2002 (10.6822.6830) SP3
"MikeCox" wrote:
My computer crashed so I installed office 2002 on my laptop. Fortunately
had written the serial number on the Office CD.
I own Outlook 2003 and want to install it over the 2002 version Office
installed. Unfortunately I didn't write the serial number on the disk.
I have the first 3 segments of the serial number in the printout of my CD
Library. That's because the other segments got truncated in the too
column that displays on the CD Library printout. The entire number is in
that data file of the CD library software but the data file is on my
Is there a way for me to obtain the other 2 segments?
MS Office 2002 (10.6822.6830) SP3