Extend.dat Error - Need help??
I just got a new computer, installed Outlook 2003 on it, but when I run
Outlook, I get a message saying "An extension failed to initilize. Can't open
file: extend.dat. (etc.)". I located the folder where the file should be
stored (C:\Users\username\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook), but the file isn't there (I have an archive and
outlook file, but that's it). I tried restarting Outlook several times and
also rebooting, but in all cases Outlook never creates the file.
I also tried moving over the extend.dat file from my old computer, but that
didn't help either...it just doesn't seem to be looking for or trying to save
that file. Actually, Outlook seems to work fine...except that it won't save
the passwords for my email addresses once I close the app (will hold them
until I close it down).
I was also going to try to Repair or Reinstall Office 2003/Outlook...but
Vista is telling me "The system administrator has set policies to prevent
this installation. You do not have sufficient access to uninstall Microsoft
Office XP Professional. Please contact your system administrator."
Help. What should I do?