Known issue for years. Nothing new here.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, p_niebuhr asked:
| I found a bug in MS Outlook 2003 (11.8010.8107) SP2. When the month
| has 31 days in it and the first is on a saturday or sunday, and when
| the current date is the 30 or 31, which will be monday or tuesday,
| when you are in the month calendar view the date will default to
| monday the 24 or 25 of the previous month. I have tested this on
| several computers and on several months. The calendar date is correct
| when selecting calender view for 1 day, 5 work week and 7 week. This
| is currently happening for July 31 2007, it keeps defaulting to
| Monday June 25 2007. I presume this is because in the month view it
| tries to show the complete current month, but there is not enough
| lines in the calendar to view to show the complete month, and the 30
| or 31 is not shown in the view, so it defaults to the first date
| showing on the calendar. Please verify this or if there is a setting
| that I can change to correct this problem.
| Thanks
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