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Old August 2nd 07, 12:36 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
external usenet poster
Posts: 67
Default Can't send e-mails using Outlook 2003

"april" wrote in message

"Tom Willett" wrote:

Does Adelphia require authentication to their mail server?

They specifically told me not to check that box when I was setting

They are assuming the e-mail client will reuse the login credentials
from the POP3 session (performed first) for the later SMTP session.
However, if enough time elapses to do the POP3 yanking of e-mails then
those cached credentials aren't available for the SMTP session. Also,
some e-mail clients send before receiving. Enable the option to
authenticate to the SMTP server and first try the option to reuse the
credentials from the POP3 setup. If that doesn't work then use the
option to use separate login credentials and simply specify the same
ones as for the POP3 setup.

By the way, if you are posting these Usenet messages using the same
network (ISP) as you are trying to use e-mail then you are NOT using
Adelphia's network. You are posting from MSN, not from Adelopha
( belongs to MSN). In that case, you ARE trying to use an
off-domain mail server (hosts on Adelphia's network are off-domain to
Microsoft's network). You will need to use MSN's mail hosts, or you
need to see if you can use a port other than 25 for SMTP (outbound)
because maybe MSN is blocking off-domain mail traffic using the standard
port 25. Could be Adelphia doesn't permit off-domain access to their
mail hosts (you coming from MSN's network is off-domain to Adelphia's
network). Maybe they permit an alternate config for connecting to their
mail hosts when you are off-domain, like using 995 for POP3, 465 for
SMTP, and requiring SSL is enabled for both.

You are posting from MSN. You are trying to reach Adelphia's mail hosts
while coming from MSN's network. MSN may not let you cross their
network for mail traffic. Adelphia may not permit connects from off
their domain.
