Can't dial all Phone #'s from Outlook Contacts
I have saved all my outlook stuff including Contacts in an external HD in
..pst files then I reloaded my HD. I imported all my stuff again into Outlook
2003. When I tried to dial out of my contacts I found I could dial some but
not others.
I would go to Contacts-Action-Call Contact-Choose Home or Mobile-Start Call.
I found some will dial and some won’t.
When I check Properties in the Call Contact Box in the lower left corner it
says “Phone number will be dialed as” then it gives the number in this format
X-XXX-XXX-XXXX but the ones that will not dial is like this XXX-XXX. I have
tired to fine a way to change the format but can’t find anyway to do so. All
numbers are entered in the same way. I have XP Pro. Waht can I do?