Trouble with OE and Sending Emails to Multiple Addresses
Are you connected to when sending?
To how many recipients are you sending the message?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
Glen wrote:
I am having a problem sending emails to large amounts of people. I get
this message with some addresses in my address book.
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected
by the server. The rejected e-mail address was '.
Subject 'Fw: ', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1
... Relaying denied. Proper authentication
required.', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number:
Now the question I have is, can I configure OE6 to discard the person that
cannot receive the email, and continue sending it to those who can
receive it?
This has been bugging me for days.