Backup (copy) the folder's DBX file to floppy.
NB: You will not be able to open (read) the folder's messages on the floppy.
You will need to import the DBX file back into OE to do so.
~PA Bear
cdyer wrote:
all o f these links talk about backing up. I want to remove the folder
from oe and put that folder on a floppy disk
"PA Bear" wrote:
Backup & Restore OE Data
OE Files & Settings
OE Registry Keys
Importing OE Data (all DBX files, including Folders.dbx)
Importing a single DBX file (last paragraph)
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), VSOP,
cdyer wrote:
hey i have no idea if I am in the right spot or not. I have sub-files
set up in outlook express for each "job" i am working on. A couple of
hte jobs have ended and I want to save the emails to a floppy disk. I
found some information that said to compress the file. which i have
done. the instruction then say to find the file and save to the disk.
how and or where do i find the file. outlook express doesn't give me
and option to select where the file is compressed to.