How do I print my contacts on Day-Timer paper?
Originally I was working with Outlook 2003, but updated to 2007 and have
exactly the same issues ...
"Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
What version of Outlook?
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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"jollyDJS" wrote:
I'm struggling with printing out my Contacts; I use a Day-Timer diary, the
paper size opf which is theoretically supported by Outlook - Day-Timer Junior
Desk. I have the special pages which you should be able to print upon, and
all my contacts set up nicely.
However, prining out doesn't seem to work as i would want. Selecting thios
paper size seemingly causes no issues, until you click Print preview when it
switches to prinint in 2 columns ... There's not enough space so 1 of the
columns is only half size and I can't seem to stop it!
Using all the same settings just switching the paper size to A4 works
perfectly, but it just doesn't like the Day-Timer paper - does anyone know
why or how I cans top it?