August 9th 07, 03:52 PM
posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
Scholarship for a talented fellow
Eta Uso has been in my killfile for some time now. Every post makes the OP
look more and more inane.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"Tom Willett" wrote in message
I also have a great sense of humor. I never laughed so hard in my life
until I read your scam.
"Eta Uso" wrote in message
| My name is Eta. I am a19 year old High School Graduate. I am
| with a great sense of humour and I have a mighty passion for computers.
| have had this passion from birth and its all I'll live for as a career.
| want a career in Computers and Information Technology, because that is
| my heart it. This passion and drive had been in me from birth and has
| me to go places and be known as a computer genius as I am fondly called.
| Thanks to my parents who sent me to the best Primary and Secondary
| this really gave me a strong educational background to compete anywhere
| the world. I want to study abroad in the United Kingdom, as this will
| me to quality and superior university education compared to the weak
| educational structure in my country. I recently applied for a 2 Year
| degree course in Bsc Computing at Buckingham University, United Kingdom,
| I am very confident that my admission will be met as I have met the
| criteria.
| However, my request is concerning the cost of the school fees
| Its on the high side considering the economic situation in my country,
| the exchange rate is quite high because of the value of my currency
| the pounds sterling. I am to undergo the degree course for two years at
| cost of £29,210 or $58,420, living cost and tuition included. However,
| tuition only, it will cost £15,000 or $30,000 for the full two years.
| data concerning the fees can be verified or confirmed at Buckingham
| University website. My parents are fully ready and capable of catering
| my transportation to the United Kingdom and other sundry (various)
| Please, I am thanking any kind-loving individual or organization who
| support this passion of mine by kindly agreeing to support me
| pay for my tuition (fees) and partial living cost at Buckingham
| Here are the financial details as taken from the University email that
| sent to me.
| Buckingham
| Tuition Living costs
| Year One £7500 £7105
| Year Two £7500 £7105
| Year Three 0
| Sub-total £15000 £14210
| Total £29210
| I carefully wrote this email because this has to do with my dream and
| passion of which I take seriously. And I have promised myself a 1st
| Honors degree on graduation by God's grace, because I will not be going
| there to play. And for the fact that I am stduying a course that blends
| 100% with my passion, I know it will be less stressful or cumbersome to
| Please to any lovely person out there who wants to assist me in
| a career in this area of my passion, and wants to contact me to know me
| better or verify any details, please below are my contact details.
| Email:
| Mobile Number: +2348052856853
| Thanks.
| Yours Sincerely,
| Eta Uso.